Maui Big Brothers
A drive to raise $21,500 for Big Brothers of Maui is now underway.
Big Brothers is an organization formed to help boys who have no fathers or adult male guidance in their lives.
Fund Chairman Douglas Thomson said proceeds will be used for operating expenses of the agency.
Thomson said a boy has no father or adult male guidance stands six times greater odds of becoming a delinquent than a boy who has a father.
Of the boys who have had a Big Brother, less than five per cent ever become involved with delinquency, Thomson said. It is estimated there are over 300 boys on Maui who need a Big Brother.
2009 Update: The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Maui is to help children reach their potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships with mentors that have a measurable impact on youth. To know them, check their website:, or contact their Headquarters:
Big Brothers Big Sisters:200 Waimaluhia Lane,Wailuku HI 96793
Coby Ross, Community Development Specialist: 808.242.9754 ext. 104
Buck Quayle at the Maui Lahaina Sun bureau circa 1970
Reporter/Photographer Buck Quayle in 1971 in Maui with the Cartagenian in the background
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Whale tail